Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

TUTELLUS EdTeach Platform

In 2016, the online education market was worth USD 165 billion. It is still, however, highly inefficient. The aim of this article is to introduce to the world the educational solutions module of the world’s most recent personal-and-professional problem-solving. The article is addressed to those readers who may have an educational problem bogging them and who may, therefore, be looking for a way out of their predicament.

It is a common fact of life that we all have problems and that we are often frustrated or we tend to lash out because of our inability to find accessible and reliable information about our problems. Tutellus fills this need.

Tutellus is the biggest online educational communitarian platform in the Spanish- speaking world. Tutellus started in May 2013, and after four years we have clients from 160 nations framing a group of one million individuals with more than 130,000 video courses, situating us as the main and leading platform in the market.

Tutellus aims to break the status quo, introducing a new paradigm in the student-teacher relationship by the creation of another decentralized framework to fortify the commitment and dedication of both students and teachers. Tutellus is the first educational platform that pays the students for learning (proof of learning) and remunerates the teachers as per their impact on the success of their students (proof of teaching).

Blockchain, most broadly known as the technology behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, makes possible the efficient implementation of the new educational paradigm proposed by Tutellus. At the center of the new system is the creation and management of digital assets or tokens that will end up being the foundation of a new reward system for students and teachers.


The Token System
The model uses two different tokens. One of them, TUT, will be utilized as the platform’s currency and to collaborate with different platforms and cryptocurrencies. It will be an ERC20 token, tradable for other digital currency and fiat money. The other, Smart TUT or STUT, won’t be tradable and will be allowed when the clients contribute instructive incentive to the stage. The STUT tokens can be partly traded for TUT tokens or stored in the user’s virtual wallet as a measure of Relevance in the platform, which will give benefits in the long haul.

The two tokens will be distributed among the current students and teachers to generate activity from day one. Tutellus teachers and students, as of now numbering close 1 million, will in this manner be our most prominent representatives and will assume a key part of growing the platform.


The Problems
Poverty and Lack of Job Opportunities
Low Student Motivation
Low Teacher Motivation
Weak Link with the Job Market


The Solution

The fundamental goal of Tutellus is to create a new instructive and educational model that responds to the difficulties of the market by developing the most dedicated students, getting the best teachers more involved, and making an educational community with a strong connection to the job market.
Added Value to the Students
Added Value to the Teachers
Added Value to Companies Searching for Candidates


The ICO as the Fundraising Mechanism for the Project Deployment

The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) will be structured and organized in the following way, with 60% of tokens available for crowdsale, a Pool that will guarantee the coherence of the tokenomics model, and a hard cap fixed at 40.000 ETH in order to turn into a worldwide reference in education.

For more info you can check in this link :
Website          : 
Whitepaper   :
ANN Tread    : 
Facebook       : 
Twitter           : 
Telegram       : 

My Bitcointalk :;u=1115678
ETH : 0x7b56837589A428A507aB76b0Df46BfE7D2fa5C38 
