Minggu, 15 April 2018

DATAREUM Marketplace Platform Based On Blockchain



Datareum is a decentralized marketplace that enables individuals to monetize the personal data and sell it directly to the market researchers or to the academic researchers or to other interested parties. It is based on Ethereum public Blockchain. Datareum is a platform that will facilitate peer to peer transaction of the personal information securely without any risk of hacking. It uses online surveys as the starting point to build the marketplace. Datareum employs the incentive mechanism that for the longer period will ensure the availability of the superior quality custom day as well as the provider the indispensable tool for all kinds of researchers.

Data broking is a business that operates behind the scene and collects as well as stores personal information of the customers. They sell the information to the organization that needs it for designing the marketing strategies. A report by the US federal trade commission, 2014 identified that data broker companies- obtain as well as share the huge amount of consumer information, behind the scene, without letting consumers know it.

Data brokers collect the information of the consumers from the various sources like the government records, credit/ debit cards transaction, browser cookies. Data types associated with the market include the commercial data, consumer data, geolocation data, and real estate data.

Value of Data

It is not easy to quantify the true value of the data because there is number of applications that use it and it is evolving day by day. We can take an example- in 2016 the Microsoft acquired an online professional network LinkedIn for 26.2 billion dollars. Globally there are 100 million users of the LinkedIn per month. Calculation shows that Microsoft pays about 260 dollars per active user monthly.

Data broker market had been predicted to grow twenty-seven percent per year as more sources of the data can be monetized are added to an ecosystem. In the upcoming years, an important source of data will be the IOT devices (internet of things), this will include appliance monitoring device, personal fitness device, etc.

Issues in data broking

Our personal data online is the economic asset generated by the combination of the basic identity including gender, location, and age, our behavior including interests opinions, attitudes as well as our purchases. We generate this information personally, yet we do not own it. Also, it does not profit us directly. But the data broker industry is a sector that is growing rapidly, and they use our data without our knowledge and sell it for creating massive profit. Thus, we face a great loss when pour data is being used without our knowledge.

How blockchain provide security?

The blockchain is the technology that eliminates security cost of warehousing the data by storing it in the centralized location. Data stored in this manner become practically immune to the attack by raising the cost of attack to the sum much higher than the value of information potentially gained.

The blockchain is a technology by which you can verify information like the transaction between 2 parties without the need of relying on the centralized authority. Instead of trusting centralized authority you can know now that transaction had taken place or not. Information once agreed as the truth through block chain; it is recorded in a way that it could not be changed. Thus, blockchain architecture ensures immutability of the information record in it.

Thus, datareum create the ecosystem that encompasses flow of the data, tokens or goods as well as services offered by the requesters through selling vouchers. A requester can also resell the data. For doing this, they need to enter data they have paid back into the data marketplace, and then set the price for the data. Another requester will then choose to buy this data. The sold data is split between the reseller as well as original data provider by means of usual commission extracted into the datareum fund. This way, original data requester subsidizes as well as potential profits from the data they had commissioned.

Datareum recognized that data marketplace needs a base of requesters as well as providers to start the marketplace. Providers can earn DTN in the early network start. Datareum has set the 15 % of the token distribution for early partners and community growth. The early adopter of this platform will get the some of the tokens. DTN set for the purpose is circulated to early data providers who-Connect social media as well as other accounts to this platform as well as to those who refer other users to join this platform.

Therefore, now you must have understood what datareum is. It is a platform that uses blockchain and protects the confidential as well as personal information from cracking. It uses the mechanism which in the long term will be providing the ease of use of high-quality user’s data, and also provide the valuable tool for the researchers. Data providers get complete control over the data produced, and data requester gets access to ethically sourced, structured and high-quality data at the fair price.

Benefits of using datareum platform:

This platform is safe and provides high-quality data, Benefits provided by the datareum and the mechanism utilized by it is unique and simple. For the creation of the best marketplace, you will require the DTN tokens. If you want to make use of this platform, then you can search more information on the internet. The complete information is provided. You can know how datareum works and what are the benefits provided by the datareum. You can thus, get profit by selling the data.

To know more about DATAREUM, you can also visit its official website. On its website, you can get full details — about token distribution, terms of use and its usage. We have already discussed a lot about datareum, but if you are not satisfied with this much information and wants to get full detail, then the best option is to visit its official website now. Making use of the DTN token and Datareum you will surely get various benefits.

More info, visit :
Website           : https://datareum.net
Whitepaper     : https://www.datareum.net/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram         : https://t.me/datareum
Twitter            : https://twitter.com/datareum
Medium          : https://medium.com/datareum
ANN Thread   : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3115745

Author              : Anzal RK
My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1115678
ETH                  : 0x7b56837589A428A507aB76b0Df46BfE7D2fa5C38
