Rabu, 28 Februari 2018

Databroker Dao The Sensor Platform

Image result for Data broker dao

Data Broker DAO
When Internet Was introduced, people could not possibly imagine its impact on the world and the business. And, today we are standing at the crossroads of technology, where practically, every possible application in the world needs internet interaction. Humans have found a new world on the internet. Not only humans, our objects in the home and office have found internet connectivity. The Internet of Things is the network of physical devices who are connected with each other utilising the network of the internet. The network of networks found a new application which has revolutionised the industry. They share data with each other to make our lives better and create efficiency in the business operations.
The global market for the IoT is booming with the market for IoT sensor reaching 600 billion dollars per year by 2016. The IoT sensor market is estimated to reach 1.2 trillion dollars by 2019. The entire problem starts here, as the number of objects connected to the IoT network grows, the data associated with it also grows. And, currently, this data remains underutilized because it is locked up in silos of organisations and Individuals, who are unable to understand the value of the data.

The value enrichments of the data must be created to support and develop an industry where the local data can be sold and bought. The IoT sensor data needs to be put in the marketplace for the researchers and value creators. Therefore, a platform integrated with the latest technology is required to facilitate the marketplace for the IoT sensor data of the world.

Solution offered

DATA BROKER DAO is creating a platform for the buying and selling of the IoT sensor data. A platform that facilitates the direct interaction between the Data owners and data buyers based on the blockchain technology. The sensor owners, data buyers, data processors and gateway operators are part of the marketplace. They have also been called eBay for IoT Sensor Data. Sensor Owners have a great opportunity to earn revenue by monetizing their data to recover the investment made in the sensor.

Data Processors can create services and sell it to customers utilising the Sensor Data. They have launched a beta version of the platform for the public. Some of the core features of the platform are Wallet Functionality, sensor data stream listings, sensor details and dataset listings. They have a traditional governance mechanism until the active participation of the community and industry does not take place.


The team has decided to include people to be part of the project. The DTX Token is an ERC20 compliant. 48 % of the tokens are reserved for the ICO. The token presale starts form the 19th March 2018. The Main Token sale starts from March 26th, 2018 until April 30th, 2018. The proceeds from the funds will be utilised for the development and marketing of the platform.

As the team believes in the Power of blockchain technology to revolutionise the sensor data market, they are not underestimating the power of the People involved in the process. DATA BROKER DAO team has experience in the business development, startups and technology.


The concept of smart home, smart cities, intelligent transportation and smart grid has come into human mind due to the IoT sensors. It is believed that there are more than 9 billion IoT sensors worldwide. According to an estimate, more than 30 billion objects will be connected through IoT by 2020. IoT Sensor market is estimated to reach 1.6 trillion dollars by 2024, according to an estimate. The market is moving at a rapid rate as more and more people are investing in the IoT sector.

Organisations have become more technology savvy and wish to utilise the power of IoT to increase efficiency in their Business operation. They have analysed their Platform on the basis of the McKinsey report which mentioned about the six pillars of the IoT Sensor data Marketplace. They are doing admirable progress in the development of the platform for completing the launch of the platform in this year only. They have formed a DATABROKER DAO alliance to create an ecosystem of collaborative effort and action towards the development of sustainable solutions in the IoT.

As many as seven companies have joined the alliance. In future, they are creating applications which can be integrated with the other platforms, where sensor owners can find a direct option of selling their data to the third party. A transparent platform is here to sell your data to the people you choose.

Team, Advisor and Partner




For more info you can check in this link :
Website        : https://databrokerdao.com
Whitepaper : https://databrokerdao.com/whitepaper/WHITEPAPER_DataBrokerDAO_ENG.pdf
Btalk ANN   : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2113309.0
Telegram     : https://t.me/databrokerdao

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1115678
ETH : 0x7b56837589A428A507aB76b0Df46BfE7D2fa5C38
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Senin, 26 Februari 2018

SKYLLZ The Human Abilities

Skyllz is an integrated Protocol to assess, validate and empower human capabilities and the Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP) is designed to empower people based on their outstanding abilities and talents.

What is the Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP)?
The Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP) is a distributed and open-source skill validation protocol that enables users to validate and empower the acquisition, allocation, contextualization, and skill enhancement rapidly within and across the Touchpoints Application Skills (STAPs) such as the e-learning platform , network platforms, portfolio platforms, offline educational platforms or other platforms that want to benefit and add value to the Skyllz ecosystem.

The protocol sets the standard for creating a cross-platform ecosystem in which users acquire, apply, or enhance the skills in the Touchpoint Skill (STAPP) application that is above it.

Users can validate their expertise in STapps with Evidence-of-Skill (Skyllz reputation) and finance their self-development with Skyllz Tokens. DISTRIBUTION

Disrupt the status quo and avoid bias with a decentralized and anonymized P2P validation system thanks to the Raters blessing (which acts as a prophecy between other users and Smart Contracts) TRANSPAREN & FAIR

Evidence-of-Skill and Skyllz Tokens are both reflected on the Ethereal Blockchain and are publicly accessible and visible. No company owns or utilizes this data storage anymore. Values are shared among society by means of meritocracy. OPEN SOURCES

Designed specifically for developers and game-changers who want to bring and get value from SDP. Skyllz API (skyllz.io) simplifies integration with SDP to help communities build or improve powerful and impacting solutions that will change the world.

SDP Architecture

Blocking layer
Skyllz is built on the Ethereal Blockchain

Proof of Skill
Skyllz reputation. Non-tradable Assigned as validation of skill acquisition, allocation, contextualization or reinforcement.

SKT (Token Skyllz)
ERC-20 compliant fixed exchange token allowing users to participate and get validation of their skills on or in any application from the ecosystem

Open-source APIs that provide access to Skyllz Smart Contracts.

Application layer
Skills Touchpoint Applications (STAPs) that add and gain value from the entire ecosystem

Skyllz Token (SKT)

The Skyllz Token (SKT), a utility token corresponding to the ERC-20 allows users to access and transact on the SDP. They function as account units that allow users to participate and gain validation of their skills across or across ecosystem applications. and below is the Picture:

Join Now to Become a Part of the Greatest Integrated Skills Ecosystem that will revolutionize the Talent assessment. Forever.


Harvard Pilot | Boston, United States
Alpha release

Establishment of Workkola Inc
Beta Release (v1.0)
Startup Bootupup Program

Full Version Release (v2.0)
Round Seed EUR 250K


Private SKT Pre-Sales (February-March)

Workkola + Skyllz v0 - Main architecture + Development plan (Q1).

Personal Pre-sale Closing + Skillz.io v0.1 (March)

The end of personal pre-sale, start development of proof-of-skills and implementation on the current Workkola platform.

Pre-Sales General + Skillz.io v0.2 (June)

Open the public pre-sale and change the Workkola points into SKT. The first implementation of SKT on the Workkola platform as an account unit.

Closing Pre-public sale + Skyllz.io v0.3 (July)

Implementation of the first UI for Raters on Workkola platform

General Public Sales (July-August)

Running general sales with a fully functional SKT in Workkola.

Distributed Distribution Platform Skyllz (SDP) v1 + Workkola Integration (Q4)

Creation of Skyllz UI Integration from Workkola platform with SDP via Skyllz private API, Limited access to SDP (only Workkola allowed) to test, repeat, debug and secure protocol.

Release of new version of Workkola (v4.0) above SDP (end of Q4)

Skyllz test verb testing period (Q1-Q2)

Testing and resolution of technical bugs and security attacks. Test and optimize the user experience. This version will fill v1.0 Human Skills Ecosystem.

Distributed Platform Skyllz v2- API skyllz.io public (Q3)

Preparing and documenting the public version of skyllz.io.

Implementation of Skyllz voting system (Q3)

Implementing an internal voice system SKT + Proof-of-Skills holder to decentralize key decision making
Testing and optimization of SDP v2 (Q4)

Test and secure skyllz.io public API and voting system. The integration of the first third-party app with SDP (beta)

The full version launch of Skyllz Distributed Platform (Q1)

New STAP on top of SDP, expand ecosystem.

Distributed Platform Skyllz v3

Start working on the big picture Skyllz: turn you into your main asset Your Tokenisasi

For more information please visit the link below:

WEBSITE          :https://skyllz.org/
WHITEPAPER :https://skyllz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Skyllz_whitepaper_v1.4.pdf
FACEBOOK       :https://www.facebook.com/skyllzplatform/
TWITTER           :https://twitter.com/Skyllz_platform
TELEGRAM      :https://t.me/skyllz
REDDIT              :https://www.reddit.com/r/icocrypto/duplicates/7tcfa9/skyllz_unified_and_open_source_skillvalidation/
ANNTHREAD   :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2966145.0

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1115678
ETH : 0x7b56837589A428A507aB76b0Df46BfE7D2fa5C38

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Globex SCI


Globex SCI
Globex SCI can be named as "large brain", which stores and distributes scientific learning through a chain of squares containing data. Blockchain will change the general concept of scholarly legacy making it more ensured and open to general utilize.

Why Globex SCI

Globex SCI will simplify the trading of scholastic writing, look into comes about, and insightful compositions and will likewise give a component of money related pay for writers in light of the rating by the quantity of downloads.

Globex SCI biological community is bolstered by different scientific research, open information and clinical outcomes that are exchanged to the blockchain. This permits presenting the profound learning innovation and acknowledgment of solicitations rationale for the correct organizing of information and pursuit of new materials.

Their central goal

Their central goal is to make a solid connection between researchers everywhere throughout the world and to furnish them with a stage for the trading of scientific learning from a wide range of fields. They trust that quality lies in solidarity; consequently, aggregate information advances new disclosures for humankind.

The Globex SCI stage

The stage partitions clients into two classifications: perusers and substance creators. Perusers, who hold tokens (later on coins), utilize them to buy memberships or one-time access to scientific database. Content-creators get crypto-rewards for their substance relying upon number of solicitations of their articles. Excavators keep some portion of scientific articles database, giving hard-drive space and computational power for put away information handling. Mineworkers get rewards for every outside access to their articles, which are put away on their gadgets. For distributed information putting away we utilize extra servers, which give expanded substance security. Sponsors Owing to stage qualities, the level of engagement in the substance perusing stays high. This gives a chance to adapt the client base by pitching it to promoters utilizing RTB model and DMP (we are the information proprietors). Promoters pay for each perspective of applicable local publicizing with regards to scientific article.

Advantages of the stage

For distributers

  • As a lawful body, the stage will buy memberships to various driving distributers and will distribute it among its individuals in the blockchain.
  • Publishers will get conclusions from each entrance to an article put away on the Globex SCI stage.

For colleges/investigate organizations

  • Organizations that compensation for membership consent to an arrangement on non-divulgence of data to outsiders that are not subsidiary with their association. This implies they don't have the privilege to give articles at the demand of outsiders.

  • Affiliations with colleges will enable us to get to their memberships (that is, upon ask for on the stage, client goes to the college intermediary and downloads free substance from that point).
  • Any college can get to the substance other associated colleges are bought in to (for this situation we go about as a mediator).

For Creators

  • When writers transfer their distributed articles to the stage themselves, they get rewards specifically corresponding to the quantity of references to these articles in different productions.
  • It implies that if the article is helpful, the writer gets a reward, which surpasses the sum spent on posting it on the stage.

ICO Token deal

ICO is the most ideal method for fund-raising for Globex SCI, as just utilizing it we can accomplish freedom of framework from private interests, protecting the upsides of the stage.


The primary phase of krauseyla will be Pre-ICO. Its usage is booked for March 7, 2018. The span will be 1 month. The objective of gathering this stage will be a measure of 3 000 ETH.

The fundamental phase of the crowdsdale will happen one month after the consummation of the Pre-ICO. 

For more info visit this link :
Website          : http://globexsci.io
ANN thread  : http://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2571864.0er
Facebook       : http://facebook.com/GlobexSCI
Telegram       : http://t.me/joinchat/EwEbdBML6YEmKv5ziei7ZQ
Twitter           : http://twitter.com/Globex_SCI

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1115678
ETH : 0x7b56837589A428A507aB76b0Df46BfE7D2fa5C38
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Minggu, 25 Februari 2018

Kickcity Platform Manajemen Dan Marketing



KickCity adalah salah satu perusahaan terkemuka yang beberapa tahun yang lalu, tiket dibeli atau dijual secara offline. dan sekarang ini dikembangkan secara online. Yang baru Tahap event ticketing didasarkan pada interaksi sosial. Pengguna tidak hanya ingin membeli tiket, tapi tahu dan berinteraksi dengan sesama peserta sebelum, selama dan sesudah kejadian

Jadi Kickcity merupakan sebuah layanan yang berfokus dalam pengembangan sebuah masa depan manajemen acara dan pemasaran. dengan sistem penghargaan yang mengagumkan yang memungkinkan pemasaran efektif yang telah menggunakan sistem BlockChain hal ini akan menjadi sebuah jalan yang sangat mudah bagi para pengguna layanan ini. dan untuk tujuan Kickcity sendiri yaitu untuk membangun token utulitas erbesar dalam jaringan Etereum yang mana Kickcity sendri adalah merupakan sebuah sekolah startup online Y Combinator Alumnus.

Kickcity Protokol


Protokol dalam even marketing yang akan di kembangkan dalam proyek ini yaitu dengan menggunakan Protokol peer-to-peer terdesentralisasi untuk pemasaran acara dengan imbalan bagi peserta akan memungkinkan pemasaran acara lebih efektif tanpa melalui platform / institusi periklanan terpusat. yang selama ini telah di terapkan di berbagai negara. jadi sistem Desentarlisasi akan mengubah cara kerja sistem yang terdahuli seiring perkembangan teknologi yang ada. hal ini cendrung lebih efisien dari pada sistem yang ada. karena sifatnya yang terbuka. dan dalam pengembangan proyek ini Kami mengusulkan sebuah sistem virus sosial berbasis insentif yang berpotensi membawa jutaan orang bersentuhan dengan kripto. Kurva pembelajaran kami memberi penghargaan kepada pengguna pertama dengan token, memotivasi mereka untuk menggunakan token ini untuk pembelian tiket atau perdagangan di bursa.

Dalam perjalananya KicKcity akan bekerja dalam Setiap acara yang memiliki sebuah pemasaran dimana vendor dapat mengalokasikan token KCY untuk pemasaran berbasis hadiah. Begitu kampanye diluncurkan, pengguna mana pun dapat mengeklik acara tersebut dan Smart Contract menghasilkan tautan unik bagi pengguna. hal ini dianggap lebih efisien dan mudah untuk di gunakan karena para Pengguna bisa berbagi link ini dengan teman-temannya di media sosial dan mendapat reward saat ada konversi (penjualan tiket atau registrasi). Kontrak pintar melacak semua transaksi dan secara otomatis membagikan hadiah secara transparan.

Platform Kickcity

Dengan adanya Kickcity Platform akan membuat lebih mudah untuk membangun sebuah acara sosial berbasis komunitas untuk penyelenggara acara dan peserta. dan ‘KickCity, Inc.’ telah berfokus pada membangun komunitas di sekitar acara, penyediaan
penyelenggara acara dengan alat untuk membuat, mempromosikan dan memonetisasi acara mereka. Setiap pengguna memiliki
profil dan seseorang dapat mengundang teman ke acara dan menikmati konten hasil personalisasi.

Token KickCity (KCY) adalah token ERC20 cerdas yang menerapkan protokol Bancor. dan Protokol KickCity dirancang untuk menjalankan jutaan acara dimana setiap acara merupakan subkelompok dengan peserta N. Kegiatan masing-masing peserta dan subkelompok berpotensi menguntungkan keseluruhan sistem. hal ini bertujuan agar menyukseskan sebuah acara.

Info lebih lanjut :
Website        : https://ico.kickcity.io/
Whitepaper : https://whitepaper.kickcity.io/en.pdf
ANN Tread  : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2118185
Facebook     : https://www.facebook.com/KickCityio
Twitter         : https://twitter.com/kickcity_io
Telegram     : https://t.me/kickcity_chat

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1115678
ETH : 0x7b56837589A428A507aB76b0Df46BfE7D2fa5C38
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Jumat, 23 Februari 2018

ICO Pass Platform ID

ICO Pass

ICO Pass adalah platform yang berfokus pada penyediaan layanan identitas, yang akan mengumpulkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan pertukaran informasi dan pengetahuan tentang pelanggan atau yang disebut KYCs, berdasarkan teknologi Blockchain. . ICO Pass akan mengumpulkan rincian identitas masing-masing pelanggan, seperti nama, nomor telepon, dll. Data pelanggan ini akan sepenuhnya diamankan dengan menggunakan sistem kriptografi. ICO Pass akan menjadi platform yang terkandung dalam ketentuan KYC secara global.

Memulai pengembangan

Tim ICO Pass mengembangkan platform ini dengan menggunakan sistem yang terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan secara langsung, dengan menggunakan teknologi Blockchain sebagai basis pengembangan. ICO Pass sedang mengembangkan sebuah teknologi yang memungkinkan aplikasi mobile untuk langsung mengumpulkan informasi data pelanggan. Dengan sistem yang telah dirancang, akan bisa menerima informasi secara langsung dan cepat. Data akan langsung dienkripsi dan diamankan menggunakan sistem kriptografi. ICO Pass mendesain perangkat untuk pengumpulan informasi langsung, seperti pengambilan langsung video dan foto pengguna. Informasi yang terkait dengan data pengguna bisa langsung diverifikasi melalui sistem yang disediakan.

Tentang Blockchain

Kami merancang platform ini untuk berjalan menggunakan teknologi sebagai basis pengembangan blockchain platform kami. Karena sejak kemunculannya, blockchain hadir dengan tawaran transaksi online yang cepat dan aman serta mendukung semua jenis data dan kriptocurrency. Teknologi blockchain menggunakan sistem dimana setiap transaksi direkam dan tidak dapat diubah selamanya, sehingga transaksi dapat dipertahankan dan mengurangi kemungkinan kecurangan data. Blockchain secara inheren resisten terhadap modifikasi data yang bersangkutan. Blockchain (juga disebut buku besar terdistribusi), sebuah teknologi yang memungkinkan enkripsi seperti Bitcoin dan Ethereum, membawa kita ke era baru transparansi global, desentralisasi, dan inklusi. Sejak ditemukannya Bitcoin pada tahun 2008, gagasan desentralisasi, konsensus publik dan penciptaan model kepercayaan baru antara para pihak dalam transaksi tersebut telah diadopsi. Prinsip konsensus, efisiensi dan kepercayaan yang terkait dengan yurisdiksi di seluruh dunia.


Dengan kesempatan ini, kami mengundang Anda untuk memperluas platform ini untuk menjangkau masyarakat yang lebih luas. Kami akan merilis Token dengan nama "KYC Token", inilah datanya.

50% chip akan digunakan untuk menutupi operasi, dukungan dan pengembangan lebih lanjut dari produk. Token ini tidak akan dijual.
10% akan disumbangkan ke Yayasan Etereum untuk mendukung pengembangan teknologi blockchain.
20% akan dialokasikan untuk pemasaran. Token ini tidak akan dijual, namun mungkin ditawarkan ke pihak lain untuk mempromosikan layanan ini.
20% akan dialokasikan ke tim. Token ini akan memiliki periode 1 tahun dimana tidak dapat dijual.




ICO Pass percaya bahwa dengan tim dan sistem yang kuat dan andal, ICO Pass dapat memberi pengguna solusi KYC yang aman dan kokoh, dan menawarkan manfaat dan fasilitas kepada KYC kepada penggunanya. Tim ICO Pass juga percaya bahwa dengan pengembangan yang sistematis dan profesional, Tim ICO Pass dapat membangun platform yang lebih baik daripada platform serupa.

Untuk info lebih lanjut chack link di bawah ini :
Website          : http://bit.ly/2rOFrhj
ANN Tread    : http://bit.ly/2Fy3djF
Whitepaper    : http://bit.ly/2nkGfoE
Facebook       : http://bit.ly/2DWfAJe
Twitter           : http://bit.ly/2DHowys
Telegram       : http://bit.ly/2nsuMTP
Youtube         : http://bit.ly/2rLVo7V

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1115678
ETH : 0x7b56837589A428A507aB76b0Df46BfE7D2fa5C38
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Denaro Pembayaran Digital


Denaro adalah solusi pembayaran serbaguna yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyimpan, membelanjakan, dan mentransfer kriptografi mereka ke dalam antarmuka intuitif dan kartu debit yang sesuai dengan nomor masalah kripto - secara fisik menghabiskan itu

Ekosistem pembayaran yang tidak terganggu di Denaro menunjukkan adanya keterputusan antara kripto dan pasar arus utama. Platform ini memungkinkan perusahaan dan individu untuk mengirim, membelanjakan, menyimpan, dan menukar kripto dan fiat melalui dompet web yang aman, kartu debit fisik, pembayaran terminal pedagang, dan IBAN.

Dengan menggunakan dompet multi-cryptocurrency Denaro, Anda tidak memerlukan banyak alamat. Tidak hanya memungkinkan Anda untuk menerima dan menyimpan beberapa kriptografi di bawah alamat, ini juga memungkinkan Anda membelanjakannya di ATM atau toko manapun. Denaro telah mengembangkan API SCI / API yang aman dan dapat disesuaikan untuk layanan pedagang guna memfasilitasi pembayaran barang dan layanan secara online atau offline menggunakan dompet web atau kartu debit fisik.

Tim Denaro yang dipetik tangan adalah pusat kekuatan kolektif pencinta blockchain dan memiliki spesialis di masing-masing bidang keahlian mereka. Keterampilan dan karakteristik mereka bekerja dengan baik dalam komitmen mereka untuk memberikan solusi yang bertindak sebagai landasan dalam pengembangan kripto dan mengubah dunia menjadi lebih baik.

Semua transaksi yang dilakukan ke / dari dompet Denaro dilindungi oleh penggunaan enkripsi kriptografi, yang menawarkan perlindungan kecurangan tingkat lanjut, yang secara signifikan mengurangi biaya transaksi dan privasi. Denaro tidak hanya memberikan saluran pembayaran online. Anda juga bisa memasukkan BTC, ETH dan DNO Anda ke kartu debit Denaro fisik untuk menggunakan kripto Anda ke jutaan toko dan ATM di seluruh dunia.


Denaro dihargai dengan kontributor / investor awal dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam sistem komisi bonus dan referral yang murah hati. Sistem bonus memberi penghargaan awal berdasarkan token yang dijual dalam acara penjualan dan penjualan perdana kami, sedangkan bagian rujukan dari sistem komisi mengekspresikan anggota masyarakat dengan 5% dari setiap pembelian yang dilakukan oleh rujukan mereka. Sistem bonus pra-penjualan terdiri dari bonus 25% untuk kontribusi investor. Dibutuhkan pra-penjualan penuh - 7 hari.

Sistem bonus publik / main-sale terdiri dari bonus 25% untuk token pertama yang terjual 15 juta, 10% untuk 20 juta token terjual, 5% untuk 25 juta token berikutnya terjual dan maka tidak ada bonus untuk 5 juta final terjual. Ada 65 juta token yang terjual selama penjualan umum.


Untuk info lebih lanjut bisa check link di bawah ini :
Website             : https://denaro.io/
ANN Tread       : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2833302.0
Facebook           : https://www.facebook.com/DenaroIO
Twitter               : https://twitter.com/denaro_io
Youtube             : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqfsrqElYxo
 Telegram          : https://t.me/denaroIO 

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1115678
ETH : 0x7b56837589A428A507aB76b0Df46BfE7D2fa5C38
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Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

Web Runes Internet OS - Blockchain OS


Web Rues Internet OS (WIRO)

WRIO Internet OS is an open-source Ethereum-based platform (PaaS) for cloud and distributed mashup apps (SaaS) that creates a secure browser-driven operating system. It provides an API-free, global, decentralized pool of open, shareable, reusable, and machine-readable semantic data, featuring a user-centric Web 3.0.
The machine-readable web is the first prerequisite for the computers to learn how to process the natural language. With the development of the project, it will implement subsequent measures to solve the Chinese room problem. They will be related to the development of Semantic Field and machine learning algorithms that will be discussed individually after the announcement of Individual Assistant project.
WRIO Internet OS is a Web 3.0 blockchain-powered platform, enabling a next-generation browsing experience.

Key features:
semantics. A global and decentralized pool of open, shareable, reusable and machine-readable semantic data
hubs. A free and simple development of a new type of websites
web 2.0 support: social media and services (1800+ domains)
simple. Rich functionality through cloud/distributed mashup applications
decentralization. Content is censor-proof and block-proof
curation. Automatic data processing and distribution, content monetization
global. Blockchain as a metadatabase
privacy & anonymity. User-controlled disclosure
single sign-on. Blockchain address functions as ID, secure one-click authorization based on a CryptoKey
security. Malware & viruses free
spam-proof. Reputation system and Web of Trust based on blockchain
user-centric. Web dashboards
predictive. Predictive UI and search

Entrance to the Web 3.0

Nodes are a cloud version of WRIO Internet OS and a guide into the world of Web 3.0. WRIO OS nodes can be both public and private for either personal use or for use by a limited group of people interrelated through business/personal interests. If WRIO Internet OS browser, plugin or mobile app is used, WRIO OS nodes are no longer needed.

Distinctive features of WRIO OS nodes:
– no central point of failure
– Tor-like, interchangeable: in the event a node is locked up the user can easily change to another, or setup a private node
– does not store personal data of users, relies on the user Profile instead
– сensor- & block-proof. Proxy mode restores access to the resources blocked on the ISP level
– functions are based on cloud/distributed apps
– support of and access to a Global Data Pool

Special features of WRIO OS applications:
microservices that provide all the necessary hub functions — an analogue of desktop applications for WRIO Internet OS
the browser-driven nature of WRIO OS guarantees the absence of cross-platform problems, cross-browser, cross-device and responsive issues. No frontend development is required, maintain is provided by a ready-made set of controls and elements. UI is determined by a theme selected by the user. All developers’ efforts are focused on the development and support of functions as such (backend)
predictive UI corresponding to the tastes and physical abilities of the user
no need for downloading, installing or setting up any applications — all resource consuming operations are performed on the service provider’s servers, displaying the end result on the user’s screen
cloud services are always up-to-date: absence of compatibility issues, no need for the support of previous versions
single login: free access to the decentralized pool of users
security: private user data are effectively protected through blockchain cryptography
cloud/distributed apps marketplace — a new market of mashup services that use the Global Data Pool. Free and secure market that has no censorship and imposes no requirements. Regulated by the community through Rating and Web of Trust: the author’s reputation is the quality guarantor
no piracy, simple monetization of applications, automatic search for relevant users based on their behavior and interests. All purchases for webGold.

webGold advantages:
steady exchange rate, market-limited volatility. It is a perfect means to preserve savings
liquidity is determined by the market value of DAOs’ assets. More information is available in the Emission section
Crowdsale participants could invest WGD in DAOs tokens
coverage of Crowdsale participants: all raised funds will be used to support webGold exchange rate. After the launch of Exchange (TBA), webGold can always be sold for the book value. This is the lower price limit, for which webGold is buybacked by The Alternative fund, and which distinguishes webGold from other cryptocurrencies and ensures Crowdsale participants’ security.

Token Distribution

Total: 387,500,000 WGD
80% tokens to Crowdsale participants. All unsold tokens will be burned. The number of tokens corresponds to the number of issued Right tokens of WRIO Internet OS (31,000,000 tokens, i.e. 1 WRIO OS token is covered by 10 WGD), 51% of which will be offered for sale during the WRIO Internet OS Crowdsale planned for Spring 2018. Thus, WRIO Internet OS tokens act as a collateral security of issued WGD.

20% (77,500,000 WGD) for WRIO OS and apps:
· 12% Research and Development
· 4% Marketing and PR
· 3% Bounty Campaign
· 1% Advisors
· 0% webRunes Team

All funds raised during the Crowdsale are stored in the multisig wallet. The key is divided among 5 keepers:
two largest investors registered during the Special Round. We will get in touch with them prior to the start of sales to confirm their intent to be escrow agents and to discuss specifications of a safe creation of keys. If anyone refuses, the offer will be made to the next Crowdsale participant
one of advisors
two members of webRunes team

Each transaction will require signatures of at least 3 of the keepers.
Keepers relieved of their duties when the buyback fund is depleted.

For more info visit this link :

For more information you can visit:
Website          : https://wrioos.com/
Twitter           : https://twitter.com/webRunes
Facebook       : https://www.facebook.com/webRunes/
Telegram       :https://t.me/joinchat/HQmOXBJBlh7ACTPwWGTiKg

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1115678
ETH : 0x7b56837589A428A507aB76b0Df46BfE7D2fa5C38
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