Kamis, 02 Agustus 2018

Bitbose a banking platform

          BitBose is a Platform decentralized complete bank solution which won't simply distrupt ordinary banking structure yet in addition give a few venture openings in light of blockchain advancements. Platform offers a one of a kind speculation banking solutions, for example, Portfolio Funds, Crypto Loans, Mining Rewards Program. BOSE Token is an utility token and the mother cash of BitBose Platform in view of ERC20 utilizing ethereum blockchain implies quickest and shared straightforward exchange with low expenses.

How it work ?
          All exercises of the BitBose platform will be designated in ERC20 BOSE tokens which will be an utility token and the focal unit of exchange on the platform. Planned clients can purchase the BOSE tokens in exchange for BTC/ETH/FIAT amid the ICO occasion or on crypto-exchanges after the ICO occasion.
          The BitBose platform has been isolated into three key heads for as indicated by the center usefulness while the backend stays coordinated firmly with each other for speedier handling time and a consistent client encounter.


BitBose ICO
          The BitBose ICO wants to raise funds to fabricate a platform that permits decentralized tasks of center banking highlights. The BitBose platform will enable clients to:
  • Deposit/Park Funds
  • Take Loans designated in Fiat/Cryptocurrencies
  • Buy/Sell cryptocurrencies on the BitBose Exchange
  • Trade Smart with algorithmic exchanging

Component of Bitbose
  • Bitbose Bank
           At the point when a benefactor purchases BOSE tokens, he/she naturally progress toward becoming individuals from the BitBose bank. A key element of banks is the capacity to dispense loans to qualified hopefuls. In a normal bank, a human credit officer plays out the appraisal of the individual who needs an advance and endorses a sum according to the evaluation. This strategy is subjective and inclined to mistakes.

  • Bitbose Exchange
           The BitBose exchange enables holders of BOSE tokens to get to the market costs of a few exchanges from a solitary platform, inside a similar interface. Purchasers can get to the cost at which merchants of the coveted cryptocurrencies will offer on different exchanges. This will enable the purchaser to pick the best cost.

  • Bitbose Smart Portofolio
           BitBose Smart Portfolio is a backup highlight of the BitBose platform that enables supporters of dispense a level of their funds designated in BOSE tokens to be exchanged by an AI bot created by the BitBose group. The funds apportioned for the Smart Portfolio will be kept in the wallet of the donor itself yet will be inaccessible for exchanging to different exercises or for withdrawal except if the patron changes the distribution to Smart Portfolio to nil.


More info, visit
Website         : https://www.bitbose.com/
Whitepaper   : https://s3.amazonaws.com/bitbose-documents/Update+bitbose+whitepaper-1.pdf
ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3952051.0
Facebook       : https://www.facebook.com/Bosetoken/
Twitter           : https://twitter.com/Bitbosecoin
Telegram       : https://t.me/bitbose

Author              : Anzal RK
My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1115678
ETH                  : 0x7b56837589A428A507aB76b0Df46BfE7D2fa5C38
