Senin, 02 Juli 2018

Astra the social super computer


Astra is a community-oriented Social Supercomputer where everyday ordinary people get together to build one of the strongest Supercomputers in the world. Initially, Astra plans to use this decentralized computing platform for Scientific Discovery and build a collective Social Truth. People share their computing power for Medical Research, Scientific Discovery and to build a Public Data Repository that Can Be Trusted (or Blockchains), and earn valuable Digital Currency.

Universal - Inovative - Democratic - Trustworthy

Building the World's Fastest Supercomputer to Fight Life-threatening Diseases, such as, Cancer, Malaria, and Ebola!
Building the World's Fastest Supercomputer to Advance Worldwide Science Borders!
Build a Reliable Computing Fabric so Unfamiliar People and Machines Around the World can collaborate and do business together so as to enhance economic diversity!
Owned by Community Members - Supercomputer people.

Astra Building Community for Decentralized Computing

And Targeting The First Two Virgin Markets

Target Market First

Medical and Scientific Discovery
  • AI Powered Platform for Leading Inventories in Medicine, Science and Humanity!

Medical Discovery
  • Helps find the cause and cure for many horrific diseases that still affect humans, such as Cancer, HIV / AIDS, Alzheimer's, Malaria, etc.

Global warming
  • Run a mathematical model of greenhouse gas emissions and their likely impact on Earth's surface temperature, rising sea levels, and hazardous weather patterns.

Clean energy
  • Millions of molecular simulations to find materials that absorb maximum sunlight for next generation solar panels.

The Subatomic World
  • Helping scientists uncover the secrets of the Subatomic World by analyzing data from particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider.

Mysterious Universe
  • Analyze data from distant stars and galaxies for a better understanding of our mysterious universe and verify the laws of physics.

Economic Model
  • Run simulations to learn about global poverty patterns, economic opportunities, and wealth creation.

Second Target Market

AI Based Social Mining
  • Find the Most Promising Coins to Include and Build a Trustable Public Blockchain!

People's Currency
  • Verify transactions to maintain a Reliable Public Data Repository for innovative People Currency as opposed to Restricted State Currency.

Confirmed credentials
  • Share computing power to create a repository of authenticated personal and business credentials that can be safely referenced.

Asset registrants
  • Help create a list of trusted universal assets for credible credit and global trade.

Universal Identity
  • Lend computing power to create a Universal Universal Secure Identity for all citizens of the world for their trust, health, well-being, and collaboration.

Proven Products
  • Immediately check the origin and flow of commodities, products, and services for their integrity. Make sure it is safe from food from all over the world.

Transparent Government
  • Publicly auditable data on revenues and expenditures of corporations, governments, and activities for transparent and corruption-free governance.

Produce a Valuable Digital Currency while Doing Good Karma!

Astra is building a network of communities and computers (Astra Network) for discovery of scientific and social truths. The economic incentive system in this network will be run using the Astra Network Utility Token called STAR (STARs for plural). The STARs will be used to motivate members to join communities and make proactive contributions. In summary, the STARs will be used for the following purposes within the Astra Network.
  1. To motivate people to join various communitiesand proactively participate.
  2. To share their idle computing resources and get rewarded in STARs.
  3. To buy and sell computing servicesand resources in peer-to-peer transactions without any intermediary.
  4. To motivate community members to create rare digital assets and trade them using STARs.
  5. Access to new computing services that may be introduced by the Collaborative Astra Network in future.


2.1 Billion STAR Tokens will be created at Token Generation Event

50% of STAR Tokens are reserved for future computing infrastructure providers and ecosystem development. They will be locked up for 2 years.

15% of STAR Tokens will be offered during Initial Coin Offering.

10% of STAR Tokens will be used for Ecosystem Development in the first 2 years.

25% of STAR Tokens are reserved for Team, Advisors, and Early Backers. Team is allocated tokens with 4 year vesting period.

65% of the funds will be used for R&D and platform development
15% of the funds will be used for Marketing and building World-wide Communities
10% of the funds will be used for Administration and day-to-day smooth running of operations
5% of the funds will be reserved for legal expenses
5% of the funds will be reserved for any contingency

More info, visit :
Website         :
Twitter          :

Author              : Anzal RK
ETH                  : 0x7b56837589A428A507aB76b0Df46BfE7D2fa5C38
