Jumat, 22 Juni 2018

InoCoin investment platform based on blockchain

InoCoin Platform is a unique opportunity for both startups and investors. It is a decentralized investment platform built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. Our goal is to connect investors and innovators, enabling them to improve upon new or existing technologies, making the world a better place.

How does it work?
Within the InoCoin platform, there are two main features that can be used:

  • The “like” button is intended to allow the community to vote on which project should be financed. This occurs every three months when our managerial team redirects InoCoins, in order to fund a project. 
  • The “boost” button allows investors to fund projects on an individual basis. With no limits as to how little or how much they can invest. Each project, individually, details how investors are benefitted. 

Exchanger InoCoin
InoCoin has been listed in several markets and has got a fixed price.
InoCoin can be traded at Exrates and Token Store at the current market rate of 1 INO=$0.6.

Main Advantages
  • Investment decisions are made by the InoCoin comunnity – the unique element in our project is that our community makes the decisions on what to invest in. The system is foolproof so there can’t be any manipulations or 'one-man' decisions. Every step of the process is very simple and absolutely transparent – our power is our COMMUNITY!
  • Anyone can apply for funding –there are no rules as to how a startup project should look like. It makes absolutely no sense to us to look for something innovative – in the form of something that’s already been done!
  • We don’t encourage ICOs, because they create an illusion of progress. They produce tokens we don't need, incentivize marketing and speculation over development, and neglect end-user utility. We have extensive experience in finance and we know how to make a good business model - one that works! We are absolutely against ICOs, because we already have a product that works and helps the community grow together, with decisions taken mutually!


Ino Platform

More info, visit :
Website         : https://inocoin.eu/
Whitepaper   : https://inocoin.eu/wp.pdf
Twitter          : https://twitter.com/InoCoin2018
Telegram      : https://t.me/IniCoin

Author              : Anzal RK
ETH                  : 0x7b56837589A428A507aB76b0Df46BfE7D2fa5C38
